Reading above example that sounds easy to answer, right? But unfortunately it isn't. The above example is an extreme example, real-world usage will in most cases not be that compressible and the network speed is typically variable.

NexusDB lets you set the compression type and batch mode and size on a per client basis. This gives you full control of how a client uses them and thus you can tweak the client for different network connections.

To figure out the best settings, each application and its data needs to be looked at by the developer. The best way to do this is by having an application option (e.g. ini file) that allows enabling and tweaking of the 2 or 3 properties involved.

The currently recommended compression type is Lz4 level 1, to use this mode, set the transport's CompressionType property to 11. Make sure to add the corresponding unit to the client's USES clause (nxll[Zip/RLE/Lz4]Compressor).

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