When started, the EM will come up with the Servers window already open as shown below. The Server window is the central place to connect to servers, create and manage databases and even tables. It is by default docked to the left side of the main window and is the window where most tasks can be initiated or performed.

Internal Server

When the EM is booted up the screen below is displayed. If there are no NexusDB Servers responding to broadcasting (or registered), then the only item visible is "Internal Server".


The server displayed is the embedded server that is compiled into the EM. Being grayed indicates that the server is currently inactive. To activate the server, just double-click on the icon or server name (in this case, Internal Server) label itself, or press Enter when the server is the active selection.

Remote Servers

The EM scans for servers using broadcast and lists all servers found, on all available transports. Found servers are shown either by their name, their address or a combination of both. In any case (except of the Internal Server) the transport type is added in brackets after the name.

The screen shot above shows a typical screen on startup of the EM in which a server has been found (the server has all transports active and responds on multiple IP addresses). All the servers are grayed because no connection is yet established to any server.

Activating a Server

To connect to one of the servers simply double click the name or icon, or use the right mouse button to access the context menu and select Attach. The following screen shot shows an active connection to the server. For each active server the server window displays a hierarchy of objects available on this server with the following structure:




As you can see in the example below, the server has lots of aliases.  One of those aliases has been expanded to show the tables in that alias.


Each of the hierarchy levels (Servers, Aliases, Tables) have their own context menus, which enables you to perform global tasks or actions on the selected object. Lets have a look at them now.

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