NexusDB has a number of Transports included. Here we will outline them and show ways for tweaking them in certain environments.  In NexusDB each transport has its advantages and disadvantages. Here's a table detailing the various aspects of each Transport:




Named  Pipe Transport

fast if client and server on the same machine
allows a certain degree of security via Windows security
Allows strong encryption
slow over networks
not easy and straightforward to set up due to windows security

TCP/IPv4 Transport

fast over networks
very well scalable
easy to setup
Allows strong encryption
Slower than Shared Memory transport if client and server on the same machine

Shared Memory Transport

the fastest transport when client and server is on the same machine
only works when client and server is on the same machine

Blowfish secured Transport

wrapper transport when using encryption


Please note that the usage of fast and slow is relative between these transports. NexusDB implements some of the most advanced and fastest data transports available.

To make your application perform optimal consider the following points:

what will be the typical environment your application will run in? (Client/Server on same machine? Over the network? In-Process, Out-of-Process?)
do you need security at all? Strong or basic security?
do you need one or more transports?

Keep the mentioned (dis)advantages of the above table in mind and you should be able to make the right decision for your application.

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