To create a new DSN first open the ODBC Manager. Go to Start / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Data Source (ODCB). Once started please select the System Resources tab and press the Add... button. This will bring up a list of all installed ODBC drivers. Select the NexusDB driver and press Finish.

This will then pop up the NexusDB DSN Configuration dialog, in which you have to enter the connection details:

Here's the list of valid settings:
Parameter | Description |
Transport |
the transport to use possible string values: 'TCP', 'Internal', 'Named Pipes' Internal means direct access to the data files, note that this tries to start an internal server engine and only work for ONE client instance at any given time. (default: 'TCP') |
Server | the Server name in the form nexusdb@serveraddressorname for tcp and and ServerName for named pipes; not used for internal (default: nexusdb@ |
Port | integer value for the port for TCP (default: 16000) |
Timeout | SQL Timeout in ms (default: 10000 [10 sec]) |
Database | the database alias for tcp and named pipes or the directory path for internal server |
UserName, Password |
User Name and passwordfor logging on to a secured server (default: '') |
BlockReadSize | BlockRead Size in bytes. Set to zero to disable Blockreads. Please note that setting this to a value >0 will force the ODBC driver to use forward only mode which is not compatible with lots of applications. |
Compression | Compression Type; 0 is none, 1 RLE compression, 2-10 zip compression with 10 is max compression (slowest |
Note: If you need different timeout values per query, you can force a query to use a different timeout by using the
Once you've entered all the settings, please use the Test Connection button to ensure that you can connect to the NexusDB server successfully. If it works correctly, please proceed to the next page which will allow you to choose the database and list it's tables.

Use the List tables button to make sure you've selected the right database. Go to the next page when you're done.

On this page you can try and run SQL queries. If everything is fine press the Finish button and the new DSN will be added.
That's it. You can now use the DSN from any ODBC enabled application to access NexusDB tables!