We try to answer every email within one business day, but unfortunately sometimes there are some technical problems and in some rare cases we simply make a mistake and overlook an email.

If you don't receive a reply to your email within one business day:

(1) double-check the address to which you've sent the EMail and
(2) make sure the E-Mail address is in your spam filter's "whitelist", so an answer to it doesn't get filtered out.

If everything seems fine, but you still aren't receiving our reply, chances are good that your mail got caught in a spam filter or lost on the way. In this case please send us an E-Mail from another E-Mail address, located on another E-Mail Server. Alternatively please post a message to our newsgroup or contact us directly via our IRC server.

NexusDB Contacts

Primary Business Address:
NexusQA Pty Ltd
1 Russel St
Eight Mile Plains QLD. 4113

Postal Address:
NexusQA Pty Ltd
PO Box 4430
Eight Mile Plains
QLD 4113 Australia

Support Email: support@nexusdb.com
Sales Email: sales@nexusqa.com
Newsgroups: Click Here
Online Chat: Telegram Chat

If you want to reach some of our staff directly use the email addresses below. They are written this way to avoid spam-mail as much as possible. Please use the above mail addresses where possible. Thanks!

Geoff Harris geoff (at) nexusdb (dot) com The Boss
Thorsten Engler thorsten (at) nexusdb (dot) com Big T - System Architect
Eivind Bakkestuen eivind (at) nexusdb (dot) com Developer
Nutchaya Bakkestuen sales (at) nexusqa (dot) com Sales & Administration
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