Nexus Memory Manager V3 Trial versions

Current Product Version 3.04

The trial version contains all needed .dcu files to test the memory manager under Delphi 5, 6, or 7. BCB 5 & 6 now supported too. The only annoyance in the trial version is that it halts the application after 5 days runtime and it plays a wave file about it's trial status in the background every 5 minutes. We think that this is the best we can do to allow for usage in services (thus no messageboxes) and testing in 24x7 environments.
We ask you to report all problems through one of our support options.

Delphi 5, 6, 7 & 2005 and BCB 5 & 6

Please download the trial for all Delphi versions here:
Nexus Memory Manager Trial V3.04 (Feb 11th) - ~600 kBytes

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