In order for the NexusDB Server to be accessible across a network, there are some ports that must not be blocked by any firewall. If you change any of the default port numbers in the server configuration, then the port numbers below change accordingly.
- To use the TCP Transport, port 16000 must be open in TCP mode
- To automatically find the server with the TCP Transport using broadcasts, ports 16000 and 16001 must be open in UDP mode*
- To use the Blowfish Secured TCP Transport, port 17000 must be open in TCP mode
- To automatically find the server with the Blowfish Secured TCP Transport using broadcasts, ports 17000 and 17001 must be open in UDP mode*
- To be able to connect to the Server Administration web interface, port 10088 must be open in TCP mode
*The server listens for broadcasts on UDP port 16000/17000, and responds back using UDP port 16001/17001.
Failure to open the needed ports will result in problems when connecting to the server.