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We've got a lot of requests after release of V3.00 to provide easier control of installation of the NexusDB Server as service. We've for V3.01 added a few new command line parameters and switches that will make installation really easy. The different parameters can be used independently from each other and in separate calls to nxserver.exe. Unless /START is specified, the program will close after the actions are executed. This allows the nxserver.exe be used from batch file or installer to set up the necessary environment.

We've also added some new logic to the server, that allows loading of default settings when there's no configuration file in place (for example on first start). If the server can't find the configuration, it checks for a nxserver.init file in the binary folder (where nxserver.exe is located). If there is such a file it loads the settings from this file (it is in fact a renamed work settings file!), if not it starts all engines and initializes them with the defaults (just like it was the case before V3.01). We've also added a /RESET startup parameter (see below) that can be used to force loading from the .init file in case something goes wrong.

The full list of parameters is now

Parameter Explanation
/HELP, /? shows parameter help
/INTERACTIVE start the server in interactive. Highly discouraged and deprecated
/INSTALL installs the service
/LOCALSYSTEMACCOUNT NEW in 3.04! When used in combination with /INSTALL then the server will be installed as LOCAL SYSTEM account. Please aware of the security/access implications of running a server with scripting capabilities as SYSTEM user.
/UNINSTALL uninstalls the service
/START start service
/STOP stop service
/NOSTART do not ask for starting service
/SILENT no dialogs
/SERVICENAME:name name of the service
/DISPLAYNAME:name display name of the service
/DESCRIPTION:description NEW in 3.11! description of the service.
/USERNAME:domain\user user account in domain\username form for the service. If domain is not specified a '.' for local machine is assumed.
/PASSWORD:pwd password for the service account
/LOGFILE:filename name of an optional logfile
/DEBUG goes into a 15 second waiting loop for a debugger to attach to service
/ALLOWSYSTEM NEW in 3.01! allow the service to run as system account. Needs to be specified on installation of the service.
/ADDUSER NEW in 3.01! adds a new windows user. Username and Password need to be specified using the /Username and /Password parameters. If the user already exists and the password is incorrect, an error is raised, if the password matches the operation will be assumed as successful. Available on local machine only!
/REMOVEUSER NEW in 3.01! removes windows user. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. A user can NOT be restored. Available on local machine only!
/ADDGROUP:group NEW in 3.01! adds a windows user to a windows user group. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. Available on local machine only!
/REMOVEGROUP:group NEW in 3.01! removes a windows user from a windows user group. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. Available on local machine only!
/SETPRIVILEGES:privileges NEW in 3.01! sets privileges for a windows user. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. Privileges are sepcified as a comma delimited list. For a list of accepted privileges look at the table below. Available on local machine only!
/REMOVEPRIVILEGES NEW in 3.01! Removes privileges for a windows user. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. Privileges are sepcified as a comma delimited list. For a list of accepted privileges look at the table below. Available on local machine only!
/SETFULLACCESS:paths NEW in 3.01! Adds full access rights for a number of files/folders for a windows user. Username needs to be specified using the /Username parameter. Paths is a comma delimited list of file/folder names. If a path is a folder all subfolders and files inherit the full access. Make sure to put the list of paths between "" if you have white spaces in a path! Available on local machine only! A NexusDB Server service automatically grants itself full access rights to the configuration and system folder on installation of the service.
/RESET NEW in 3.01!Forces the server to reset it's configuration from the nxserver.init file located in the same folder as the nxserver.exe executable. The nxserver.init file is the same format as the normal nxdbworksettings file and is also loaded when no work settings
file is found (for example on first start). If no nxserver.init file is available, /RESET activates all modules of the server and sets its settings to the default values.
Note: only works in /INTERACTIVE mode. In this mode, /STOP can be used to shut server down after initialization (eg, to initialize settings before starting as a service).
Note: "nxServer" is a placeholder for the actual name of the executable.
/WRITECONFIG:pathandfilename Instructs the server to write it's configuration to the named file. The format is
the same as the nxdbworksettings file.
Note: only works in /INTERACTIVE mode. In this mode, /STOP can be used to shut server down
after writing the file to disk.
/SHUTDOWNTRAYPROCESS Used to close down any Tray Icon instances, eg before installing a new executable.
Note: exclusive parameter. No other commands are processed when this command is used.
/NOICON no tray icon and user interface

Available Privileges (Note that the privileges are case sensitive. )

Privilege Explanation
SeNetworkLogonRight Access this computer from the network
SeInteractiveLogonRight Log on locally
SeBatchLogonRight Log on as a batch job
SeServiceLogonRight Log on as a service
SeDenyNetworkLogonRight Deny access this computer from the network
SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight Deny log on locally
SeDenyBatchLogonRight Deny log on as a batch job
SeDenyServiceLogonRight Deny log on as a service
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege Create global objects
SeDebugPrivilege Debug programs
SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight Deny log on through Terminal Services
SeEnableDelegationPrivilege Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation
SeImpersonatePrivilege Impersonate a client after authentication
SeManageVolumePrivilege Perform volume maintenance tasks
SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight Allow log on through Terminal Services
SeSyncAgentPrivilege Synchronize directory service data
SeUndockPrivilege Remove computer from docking station


Install and start NexusDB Server service using a new user account with databases located in c:\databases:

nxserver.exe /ADDUSER /USERNAME:testuser /PASSWORD:testpass /INSTALL  
  /SETPRIVILEGES:SeServiceLogonRight /SETFULLACCESS:"c:\databases" /START /SILENT 

Add an existing user to the Users group:

nxserver.exe /USERNAME:testuser /ADDGROUP:Users

Give a user full access to some folders:

nxserver.exe /USERNAME:testuser /SETFULLACCESS:"c:\databases,f:\dbs for nexus\;c:\NxTemp"
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