Please note; because NexusDB products are subscription based, new features and improvements are added as they become ready, not just at the change between major version numbers. Below are listed new functinality etc thar has been added in the v3-v4 release timeframe; what is new since the v3 initial release will depend on what was your previously owned version (if any).
- Rad Studio XE7 support
V4 Release
- Windows 64 bit support (Rad Studio XE3 and up)
- Rad Studio XE6 support
V3.5x Beta
- Performance enhancement - multithreaded buffer manager
- Installer improvement - source or dcu path in IDE library path
- Rad Studio XE5 support
- Client/Server/Client Messaging architecture using the built-in Remoting framework (no more need for the bonus directory messaging plugin)
- Rad Studio XE4 support
- Auditing (change log) support
- TnxBatchMove component added
- Platform implementation for FireMonkey added
- AWE DLL released; the standard server and embedded applications can have AWE functionality added without recompiling
- Rad Studio XE3 support
- Rad Studio XE2 support
- New security monitor
- SQL support for creating tables with Security Pack encryption engines
- Starter Edition released
- Support for loading custom DLLs for SQL external functions with USES keyword