The NexusDB settings storage was completely rewritten for Version 2 and has been extended by a system database for V3. It saves most of it's settings in a plain INI file and some additional parameters at runtime to the system database.
The configuration file not only holds the actual settings, but also the complete definition of all available settings. This means it is a completely extensible format and you can in fact even build a separate user interface for the server by reading the available settings data and build the controls accordingly.
When deploying the Server to clients, NexusDB customers often need to setup Aliases, Users and default settings for the server. This is best done by integrating this into the application setup procedure. The initialization file is called nxServer.nxdbworksettings and has to be created in or copied into configuration directory (please look below for the location). The file works just like a normal windows INI file, thus it's easily readable and also changeable with most setup creation tools.
Each section holds the settings for the according component or sub-engine NexusDB. Most of these settings comply with the property names of the Delphi components and their possible values can be found in the Reference section of the manual. You do not need to supply all the settings information, as this will be filled (and potentially changed or extended when used with later server versions!) by the server when it first reads the file.
Where is the configuration located?
This is depending on two different factors: the operating system and the options /config and /servicename command line switches.
If you provide a directory via the /config switch then the configuration and system database will be found there, no matter the service name or operating system. Please make sure that the user running the server has sufficient read/write/create rights in this folder, otherwise you will end up with a read only database engines or, worse, an error.
If you don't provide the /config switch the location depends on the operating system, the executable path and the /servicename switch.
Windows Vista or later
On Windows Vista or later the configuration is located in a sub directory of c:\ProgramData\NexusDB3. First find the URL encoded executable directory sub folder (e.g. if you run nxserver.exe from "f:\Nexus\V3\Bin" then the folder is called F%3A%5CNexus%5CV3%5CBin%5C). In this folder you will then find another folder for the service name, if you skip the /servicename switch an default service name of NexusDBV3 is set.
Before Windows Vista
Before Windows Vista (ie, on XP, or server 2003, or earlier) the configuration is located in the same directory as nxServer.exe.
With the use of the /servicename or /config switches it is possible from NexusDB V3 onwards to run multiple instances of one single nxserver.exe executable on the same machine.
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe [on Vista or later]
The configuration is in c:\ProgramData\NexusDB3\nxServer\F%3A%5CNexus%5CV3%5CBin%5C\NexusDBV3\.
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe /servicename:instance1 [on Vista or later]
The configuration is in c:\ProgramData\NexusDB3\nxServer\F%3A%5CNexus%5CV3%5CBin%5C\Insstance1\.
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe [before Vista]
The configuration is in f:\nexus\v3\
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe /servicename:instance1 [before Vista]
The configuration is in f:\nexus\v3\Instance1\
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe /config:"c:\nexus instances\instance1" [on all OS]
The configuration is in c:\nexus instances\instance1\
f:\nexus\v3\nxServer.exe /servicename:instance1 /config:"c:\nexus instances\instance2" [on all OS]
The configuration is in c:\nexus instances\instance2\