Specify a value computed from a group of rows.


<aggregate function> ::=


COUNT ( * )

<general set function>

<general set function> ::=

   <set function type> ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] <value expression> )

<set function type> ::=

















The aggregate functions, also referred to as set functions, perform operations that aggregate data from groups of rows.


ALL is implicit if no set quantifier is not specified.
If DISTINCT is specified, then all duplicate values are removed from the set.
If the query specifies a GROUP BY clause, then the aggregate functions are applied to each group, else the entire table is treated as a single group.
If a general set function is specified, other than the COUNT function, and the set is empty, then the result is null.

COUNT function

If COUNT( * ) is specified, then the result is the cardinality of the set, else the COUNT function returns the number of non-null values in the set.
The data type of the result is BIGINT.

MAX function

The MAX function returns the highest non-null value in the set.
The data type of the result is the same type as the argument.

MIN function

The MIN function returns the lowest non-null value in the set.
The data type of the result is the same type as the argument.

AVG function

The AVG function calculates the average of non-null values in the set.
The argument shall be a numeric type.
The data type of the result is the same type as the argument.

SUM function

The SUM function calculates the sum of non-null values in the set.
The argument shall be a numeric type.
If the argument is an integer type, then the data type of the result is BIGINT.
If the argument is a BCD type, then the data type of the result is DECIMAL with maximum possible precision and the same scale as the argument.
If the argument is an approximate numeric type, then the data type of the result is DOUBLE PRECISION or EXTENDED.

MED function

The MED function calculates the median value of the non-null values in the set.
The argument shall be a numeric type.
The data type of the result is the same type as the argument.

STD function

The STD function calculates the standard deviation of the non-null values in the set.
The argument shall be a numeric type.
The data type of the result is the same type as the argument.

LIST function

LIST is a special NexusDB set function that compiles a comma-separated list of non-null values in the set.
The argument shall be a character string type.
The data type of the result is CHAR(4096).
If DISTINCT is specified, then all duplicate values are removed from the set.
If DISTINCT is specified, then the items in the list are sorted otherwise unsorted.


1) The following example calculates the number of rows in the students table:

       SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM students

2) The following example returns the number of female students:

       SELECT COUNT( studentName )

       FROM students

       WHERE gender = 'F'

3) The following example calculates the average grade for each student:

       SELECT studentID, AVG( grade )

       FROM enrolls

       GROUP BY studentID

4) The following example selects the highest and lowest salaries of teachers:

       SELECT MAX( salary ), MIN( salary )

       FROM teachers

5) The following example calculates the total cost of each order made:

       SELECT orderID, SUM( extPrice )

       FROM order_details

       GROUP BY orderID

6) The following example retrieves a list of student names grouped by gender:

       SELECT gender, LIST( studentName )

       FROM students

       GROUP BY gender


SQL:2003 standard

NexusDB extensions





Core SQL

MED function

STD function

LIST function

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