Web Matrix does not have a documented method to add custom controls to its tools. So we need to add it manually, which is very easy and straight forward.

For this select the Custom Controls tab in the left hand Toolbox window. And press the right mouse button on the area indicated.


Press the Add Local Toolbox Components menu item and and in the Select Components dialog the pops up press the Browse button. Navigate to the NexusDB ADO.NET Provider bin directory (default is c:\program files\NexusDB1\ADOProvider\Bin) and select NexusDBdotNetWebMatrixSupport.dll.

Press the Open button and the DLL should appear in the Select components  list box of the Select Components dialog. Press OK and answer the question if you want to install the DLL into the GAC to your like. Generally we recommend not install it into the GAC but deploy the DLL with your solution into the same directory. Web Matrix will tell you that newWeb Controls have been installed.

Take a look at the Toolbox again and you will find a new nxDBDatasourceControl.


We've successfully added the NexusDB Datasource for Microsoft Web Matrix to the Toolbox. Now we can get started building our first application.

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